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You are viewing Cheat Codes for NBA Inside Drive 2000 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-09 20:48:22 Views : 25560 Cheat : Tip: If you role-play, you'll find the camera angles to be restrictive at times (they tend to center on the ball carrier). You'll get the widest view with the sideline camera. Tip: Role-playing works best if you play as a point guard, because you'll be in control of the ball most of the time and can direct the offense with your passes. Tip: To knock the ball free from an opponent, make sure you're on the side where he's dribbling; if you try to knock the ball loose from the backside, you'll get called for a reach-in foul more often than not. Tip: The shoot button acts a little strange at times--sometimes you have to release the button to shoot, and other times you have to hold it. Head to the practice court and work on a variety of shots to get the proper "touch." Tip: If you're playing a good shooter, the fall-away jumper can be money in the bank. Drive in close to the hoop, then move away from the hoop as you shoot--you'll swish nearly every time. Tip: If the opposing team is in a situation where they need to foul, take control of the ball and weave your way to the three-point line--odds are, they'll foul you during the shot and you'll get a chance to sink three free throws. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more NBA Inside Drive 2000 cheat codes.
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